ALL of our Auctions are LIVE!!

Public Invited.

Do not be scammed by online auctions.

Notice in regard to online storage and vehicle sales. Be aware that you may be bidding against “BOGUS BUYERS” and “OWNERS” who jack up the price and have no intention of paying. You do not have the ability to check your vehicles for catalytic converters, locked up engines, stripped radios and batteries. In the online storage auctions, you may be buying the owners left over junk from the units that were abandoned and consolidated or the owner’s personal property

All Auctions listed below conducted live



American Self Storage

Friday, June 6th @ 10am

all units sold in the following order and locations.

2411 SW Lee Blvd., Lawton, OK. 73505

 0 units

48 hrs to remove merchandise or rent unit, all buyers must furnish locks managers not permitted to overlock.


Quality Towing Service

Saturday, March 29th @ 10am

4204 Classen Circle

Norman, OK. 73071


Lanes Towing of Yukon

Saturday, April 5th @ 10am

11133 NW 10th

Yukon, OK. 73099


Elite Wrecker Service

Saturday, April 12th, @ 10am

3016 N Eastern

Moore, OK. 73160


Ragsdale  Towing

Saturday, April 19th @ 10am

3728 Spencer Rd., Spencer, OK. 73084


Elite Wrecker Service

Saturday, May 3rd, @ 10am

3016 N Eastern

Moore, OK. 73160


American Self Storage

Friday, June 6th @ 10am

all units sold in the following order and locations.

2411 SW Lee Blvd., Lawton, OK. 73505


48 hrs to remove merchandise or rent unit, all buyers must furnish locks managers not permitted to overlock.


Elite Wrecker Service

Saturday, June 7th, @ 10am

3016 N Eastern

Moore, OK. 73160


American Self Storage

Monday, June 9th @ 9am

4400 N sante Fe, Oklahoma City, OK.

1323 S Broadway, Edmond, OK.73034

201 W Memorial, Oklahoma City, OK. 73114

3030 W Memorial, Oklahoma City, OK. 73120

13330 N Rockwell, Oklahoma City, OK. 73142

7801 W Hefner, Oklahoma City, OK. 73162

6800 NW 63rd, Bethany, OK. 73162

750 S Ranchwood Blvd., Yukon, OK. 73099

1221 S Morgan Rd., Oklahoma City, OK. 73128

all units sold in the above order starting at 4400 N sante fe and continuing until all units , at all locations have been sold.

Bring locks , managers no longer allowed to overlock.


American Self Storage

Wednesday, June 11th @ 9am

units sold in the following order of locations.

2111 E Alameda, Norman, OK. 73071

1701 Tower Drive, Moore, OK. 73160

736 SW 89th, Oklahoma City, OK. 73139

1255 West I-240 Service road, Oklahoma City, OK. 73139

4900 S Hatie, Oklahoma City, OK. 73129

929 N Meridian, Oklahoma City, OK. 73107

Bring locks , managers no longer allowed to overlock.


American Self Storage

Friday, June 13th @ 9am

1301 N Air Depot, Midwest City, OK. 73110

19702 S Gordon Cooper Dr., Tecumseh, OK. 74873

37808 W45th, Shawnee, OK. 74804

25 W Ken Del Dr., Shawnee, OK. 74804

4131 N Harrison, Shawnee, OK. 74804

Bring locks , managers no longer allowed to overlock.


Youngs Towing

Saturday, June 14th @ 10am

1617 Hampton Dr.

Del City,OK.


Elite Wrecker Service

Saturday, July 5th, @ 10am

3016 N Eastern

Moore, OK. 73160


Elite Wrecker Service

Saturday, August 2nd, @ 10am

3016 N Eastern

Moore, OK. 73160


Elite Wrecker Service

Saturday, September 6th, @ 10am

3016 N Eastern

Moore, OK. 73160


Elite Wrecker Service

Saturday, October 4th, @ 10am

3016 N Eastern

Moore, OK. 73160


Elite Wrecker Service

Saturday, November 1st, @ 10am

3016 N Eastern

Moore, OK. 73160


Elite Wrecker Service

Saturday, December 6th, @ 10am

3016 N Eastern

Moore, OK. 73160

